
Puddington's - Lot 8, Clifton 

Original Grant:

Justus Wetmore - October 23, 1818

History and Style:

Judging from its construction and references in deeds, this house may have been built in the 1820s by Joseph Flewelling, son of the Loyalist Enos Flewelling.  The house’s three gabled dormer windows, which look out over Long Island and the Kennebecasis, are quite unique for the Peninsula.  The wrap around verandah is decorated with carved corner brackets, but these are the only remaining exterior trim.  The house measures 27 by 35.5 feet.


The interior is also modestly trimmed.  One of the most interesting features is an open fireplace on the south end of the house.  There are still wrought iron box locks on many of the original doors.


E. Flewelling (probably Edward Flewelling) was living in the house in 1862 according to the Walling map.  The house remained in the Flewelling family until early in the twentieth century, when it was bought by Charles Puddington, who converted it into a summer home.


Due to its use as a summer home, the house has retained some aspects that much of our built heritage has lost through modernization.  One example of this is a series of stove pipes that run throughout the house and carry heat to rooms that wouldn’t otherwise receive any heat from the wood stove and a fireplace on the ground floor.