Nutter's Wharf School

Nutter’s Warf School -


Original Grant:


Deed Transfers:




History and Style:

Nutter’s Warf, or Public Hallow, school was in District No.2 in the parish of Kingston. It probably received its name from public landing to which scows would come to take cows to Log Hallow during the summer or to transport machinery and horses to the Island to cut hay.


This one-room schoolhouse was heated by wood, and dates to 1850 or even earlier.  The enrolment was quite large. This school burned in January of 1935, and another was built during the next year. While arrangements were being made, the pupils and teacher, Willard Merritt, moved into the living room of Mrs. Edith Morell’s home for classes. In 1945 or 1946 the school was closed, and Nutter’s Warf district joined Kingston Consolidated School. This was five miles, and pupils were driven to school in a private van, one which had to meet specifications of the Board of Education.


The pupils’ drinking water came from a spring, and later it was carried from a brook. For many winters the roads were poorly plowed but as time passed the road conditions improved.


Ida Hamilton:

Ida Hamilton (1925) would walk to the one-room schoolhouse at Nutter’s Wharf (now Whiting Lane). At home, she helped her dad on the farm. This served to prepare her for the busy life of farming, being a wife, and a mother. She gave her husband a hand at whatever needed to be done. She helped him in the woods, the fields, and she had the task of washing the cream separator daily.