Microfilm Holdings
Available Microfilm Holdings in our Archive Room
Church Records, Kingston Circuit, 1867-1886
Diary of Benjamin Crawford
Friendship Quilt Notes to Martha Halfyard, 1848
Fulling Mill Account Book (Pickett Family)
Gorham Family Papers
Hoyt Diary
Hubbard Family Papers
Kingston Methodist Mission, 1888-1910
Kingston Mill: Early History
Memorandum Book of Ruth S. Wetmore
Miscellaneous Pickett Papers
Motion Supporting Female Temperance
Paddock Medical Diaries
Personal Papers of Benjamin Kent
Personal Papers of David Pickett Jr.
Personal Papers of David Pickett Sr.
Personal Papers of the Honourable George Leonard
Personal Papers of Munson Hoyt
Personal Papers of Stephen Kent
Probate Records, 1787-1885
Ration List in Pickett Collection
Short History of the Loyalists and the Church in Kingston
Trinity Church Vestry Books, Kingston