The Belleisle
The small stern wheeler City of Calais was built in Calais, Maine for the service on the St. Croix River. The length of her keel was 83 feet, but her overall length on the saloon deck was 93 feet since it extended over the stern wheel.
This steamer was purchased by a Canadian Syndicate (mostly St. John River people) in 1885, for service between Indiantown and Belleisle Bay. After arrival in Saint John, her name was changed to the Belleisle. The Belleisle served on her intended route for 6 years.
The following is a record of one of her trips:
"On November 19,1888, the steamer Belleisle arrived at Long Point on Saturday with a very heavy freight and eighty six passengers.The trip from Indiantown took seven and one half hours and she made twenty-one stops. A merry party of ladies and gentlemen were on board, with singing accompanied by the organ, the time passed very quickly."
The Belleisle operated one season on various other routes and was withdrawn from service in 1892.