The John Waring
The John Waring was a side wheeler built in Woodstock in 1852. She was 150 feet long with a beam of 21 feet. It had a gross tonnage of 90.
Like most of the steamers that were intended to serve the upper section of the St. John River (Fredericton to Grands Falls), it had to abandon this route when the spring freshet dropped to near summer level and seek business on the lower section of the river and its tributaries. Sometimes a regular schedule was maintained and sometimes there were special trips, picnics and excursions. Quite often there was considerable towing. This would include rafts of logs, scows of sawn lumber, three masted schooners with coal for Fredericton, and a number of smaller sailing vessels.
Originally, the John Waring had three smokestacks. The hull was painted a dark blue and her superstructure a pale green. She was taken out of service in 1861.